Logh é uma banda de post-rock da Suécia formada em 1998, mas seu primeiro cd (que na minha opinião é o mais bonito de todos), Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings, foi lançado só em 2002. Depois vieram mais três discos, tão emocionantes e melancólicos quanto o primeiro.
Logh - Every Time a Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings (2002)
01. in cold blood
02. yellow lights mean slow down, not speed up
03. the passage
04. note on bathroom mirror
05. music for flightrecorders
06. lookalike
07. the bastards have landed
08. ghosts
09. off the ground
10. every streetlight a reminder
11. the hour we knew nothing
Logh - The Raging Sun (2003)
01. the contractor and the assassin
02. end cycle
03. an alliance of hearts
04. the raging sun
05. thin lines
06. the bones of generations
07. a vote for democracy
08. at this my arm was weakened
09. city im sorry
10. lights from sovereign states
11. guided tour of-a dead mans house
Logh - A Sunset Panorama (2005)
01. string theory
02. fell into the well
03. a sunset knife right
04. destinymanifesto
05. asymmetric tricks
06. bring on the ether
07. the big sleep
08. trace back the particle track
09. ahabian
10. my teachers bed
11. the smoke will lead you home
12. exit
Logh - North (2007)
01. saturday nightmares
02. weather island
03. the invitation
04. all the trees
05. death to my hometown
06. the black box
07. forest eyes
08. thieves in the palace
09. sometimes
10. a new hope
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